Chris Reynolds: If You Can't Find Your Tribe, Create It

Chris Reynolds has always had incredible community building skills and puts them to good use with his latest business, The Entrepreneur House.  For over a year now, Chris has been bringing together experienced entrepreneurs from all over the world, to live in a shared home (or homes) in a variety of countries. During their stay, lasting anywhere from 1-3 months, they mastermind, attend local events, and help each other to grow their businesses to the next level.

Jimmy Hayes: How Your Community Can Turn Passion into Profit

Joining me on today is one of the hardest hustlers I know, Jimmy Hayes, who co-founded his business with his best friend and travel companion, Doug Barber.  These are two hardworking guys who left New Zealand to develop an incredible high-end travel gear company called Minaal.

They turned their incessant love of travel and their disdain for the drudgery of “normal” jobs into a sustainable business where travel is automatically built in.